constant stream of curated content
by Buzzfeed - about 29 minutes
Including a reviewer-beloved air purifier and a tower fan that might just have you... reaching for your blanket *gasp*.View Entire Post ›
by Le Monde - about 1 hour
Sous le déluge, la capitale et son fleuve, la Seine, ont été vendredi le théâtre d’un spectacle onirique assumant le récit d’une histoire de France métissée, inclusive et sans crainte des polémiques.
by KCRW - about 2 hours
When director Sofia Coppola picked up the book Elvis and Me: The True Story of the Love Between Priscilla Presley and the King of Rock N’ Roll , she was expecting a “juicy read” about the couple’s highly publicized relationship. Instead, Coppola found herself “very impressed and touched” by Priscilla’s story and calls it “an unexpected” discovery. In the 1985 memoir, Priscilla Beulieu Presley and co-author Sandra Harmon detail Priscilla’s first meeting with Elvis when she was just 14, their subsequent marriage, affairs, divorce, and the bond she shared with the legend. The book became a New York Times bestseller, and it served as inspiration for Coppola’s 2023 motion picture Priscilla ....
by Korben - about 2 hours
Vous cherchez un moyen simple et rapide de réduire la taille de vos fichiers sans sacrifier la qualité et sans lancer de logiciel ? Ne cherchez plus, y’a MiniPic ! Ce service en ligne vous permet de convertir une image dans des formats modernes et optimisés comme WebP, AVIF ou encore JPEG-XL, tout simplement en la glissant-déposant dessus. Ces formats offrent un meilleur taux de compression que le traditionnel JPEG, tout en conservant une qualité quasi identique. On voit d’ailleurs le % de compression gagné. Sur mon test, j’ai balancé un webp déjà super optimisé et y’a que le AVIF qui a su tirer son épingle du jeu. Ensuite, y’a plus qu’à cliquer sur le bouton « Download » du format...
by KCRW - about 2 hours
Director Emma Seligman is still in her 20s and has already made two darkly funny, attention-grabbing films: 2020’s Shiva Baby and the new high school comedy Bottoms . Seligman tells The Treatment her influences for Bottoms drew from high school comedies like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and more serious fare including American Graffiti and Heathers. She says that while she wanted to have flawed, queer female protagonists — historically underrepresented figures in film — she definitely didn’t want Bottoms to try to teach audiences a lesson. Dive in to hear her break down the tightrope-esque challenges to achieving this genre-mashing tone. More: Weekend film reviews: ‘Gran Turismo,’ ‘Golda,’...
by KCRW - about 2 hours
Auteur and storyteller Noah Hawley’s work has crossed multiple media for much of his decades-long career. The creator of FX’s acclaimed Fargo series made his feature film debut directing 2019’s Lucy in the Sky and has authored six novels, including Before the Fall and Anthem. He’s also the creator of the surrealist superhero series Legion which ran for three seasons from 2015 to 2017 on FX. The fifth installment of Fargo, which is currently streaming on Hulu, stars Jon Hamm and Juno Temple, and may feel somewhat familiar to those who have seen the original Coen brothers film that inspired the series. Hawley discusses some of the surface similarities between this season and the 1996 film. He also talks...
by Courrier International - about 2 hours
Le nombre d’acquéreurs d’armes à feu ne cesse d’augmenter aux États-Unis, y compris en Californie, où la réglementation sur les armes est plus stricte. Un nouveau marché pour certains clubs comme les “tireurs progressistes de L.A.”, qui chouchoutent cette nouvelle clientèle de gauche, raconte le “Los Angeles Times”.
by Courrier International - about 2 hours
Est-ce l’envie de se maintenir en forme ? De se dépasser ? Ou de faire des rencontres ? Jamais on n’a compté autant de coureurs et autres joggeurs à travers le monde. Et de groupes – formels ou non – les réunissant. “The Sydney Morning Herald” a enquêté.
by Courrier International - about 2 hours
Les vidéos de stand-up sont de plus en plus virales sur les réseaux sociaux. Des humoristes y publient des extraits de leurs interactions avec le public en espérant que ces improvisations attirent du monde en salle. Particulièrement nette sur la scène anglophone, cette tendance redéfinit les contours de cet art, relate “The Guardian”.
by Courrier International - about 2 hours
Ce critique de musique, qui fulmine régulièrement contre la gentrification de la capitale suédoise, fait son mea culpa dans “Dagens Nyheter” : “J’aurai passé plus de temps à pleurer les salles qui baissaient le rideau qu’à me réjouir de l’inauguration de nouvelles.” Et il s’avoue justement séduit par l’un de ces lieux ouverts récemment.
by Courrier International - about 2 hours
Pleine d’énergie et de couleurs, la ville se dévoile comme un rêve de cinéma dans l’œil de Sally Coggle. Depuis des années, la photographe australienne capture l’essence de sa ville et de ses habitants avec amour.
by daryo Bluesky - about 2 hours
Deploying ShotShare into Kubernetes
by Journal du Lapin - about 2 hours
Dans les dernières sorties des produits Apple, il y a une recherche graphique importante, comme avec le mot Air caché dans le fond d’écran du MacBook Air. Et avec le récent Pencil Pro, c’est un peu la même chose sur les boîtes. Les boîtes ? Oui, parce qu’Apple en propose cinq différentes. Et dans tous les cas, il y a une version stylisée du mot Pro. J’ai pris une photo de toutes les boîtes sur X pour bien le mettre en avant, parce que mon employeur n’en a acheté qu’un pour les tests. Et une des photos vient de là. Le mot est parfois uniquement visible sur une miniature… L’article Souci du détail : les boîtes du Pencil Pro est apparu en premier sur Le journal du lapin.
by Le Monde - about 3 hours
La cérémonie d’ouverture, qui marque le début officiel de ces Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024, a été regardée par plus de 22 millions de spectateurssur France 2, représentant 81,5% de part d’audience, selon des données publiées par Médiamétrie samedi.
by Usbek & Rica - about 3 hours
Amateurs, «trop faibles », «ignorants »... De nombreux candidats à la députation, issus des rangs du RN, ont fait preuve d'une incompétence criante lors de la campagne des législatives. De quoi disqualifier le parti d'extrême droite dans sa course à la présidentielle ? Rien n'est moins sûr.
by HackAdAy - about 3 hours
It sometimes seems as though computing power in your pocket is a relatively new phenomenon, but in fact there have been ultraportable computers since the 8-bit era. They started to become useful around the end of the 1980s though as enterprising manufacturers started cramming full-fat PC XTs into pocket form factors. Of these the one to own was the Poqet PC, a slim clamshell design that would run for ages on a pair of AA cells . If you have one today you’d be lucky if its display ribbon cable is without faults though, and [Robert’s Retro] is here with a fix previously thought impossible.
A large proportion of the video below the break is devoted to dismantling the unit, no easy task. The cable once exposed...
by Buzzfeed - about 4 hours
You're gonna love these cheap alternatives to Lululemon so much you'll get 'em in every color.View Entire Post ›
by Les Décodeurs - about 4 hours
L’Arcom a choisi de ne pas renouveler la fréquence TNT de la chaîne du groupe Canal+, fréquemment sanctionnées pour des dérapages. Une décision aux lourdes conséquences pour C8, qui devrait disparaître des canaux numériques en 2025.
by Le Monde - about 4 hours
La diva, contrainte de se tenir éloignée des scènes depuis quatre ans en raison d’un mal qui attaque sa voix, a interprété, vendredi lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux de Paris, la chanson intemporelle de l’illustre artiste française.
by Les Décodeurs - about 5 hours
Les Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 ont été officiellement lancés vendredi après la cérémonie d’ouverture sur la Seine. Dans quels sports les athlètes tricolores ont-ils le plus de chances de remporter des médailles ? Le résumé en graphiques.
by BBC - about 5 hours
Thousands more passengers could face delays or cancellations after an arson attack on France's train network on Friday.
by Buzzfeed - about 5 hours
Scroll down for some products that are basically hacks that'll help you have your life together now that you're an adult.View Entire Post ›
by Le Monde - about 6 hours
Olympic Broadcasting Services avait déployé plus de cent systèmes de caméras ainsi que huit drones, trois hélicoptères et quatre bateaux stabilisés et équipés sur mesure.
by Le Monde - about 6 hours
La performance offerte, vendredi soir à Paris, a été largement saluée par la presse étrangère, qui évoque le pari réussi d’une cérémonie sur la Seine « unique », « queer » et « très française ».
by HackAdAy - about 6 hours
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are commonly used for machine vision purposes, where they are tasked with object recognition. This is accomplished by taking a multi-layer network and using a training data set to configure the weights associated with each ‘neuron’. Due to the complexity of these ANNs for non-trivial data sets, it’s often hard to make head or tails of what the network is actually matching in a given (non-training data) input. In a March 2024 study (preprint) by [A. Radhakrishnan] and colleagues in Science an approach is provided to elucidate and diagnose this mystery somewhat, by using what they call the average gradient outer product (AGOP).
Defined as the uncentered covariance matrix...
by daryo Bluesky - about 8 hours
As a French, I was not prepared to be that proud of my country two times in a month, but here we are.
by BBC - about 9 hours
A heavily choreographed video shows Rico Krieger apparently confessing to planting explosives, but there is no direct evidence shown.
by HackAdAy - about 10 hours
An object of desire back in the mid-1990s might have been Apple’s QuickTake camera. In a form factor not unlike a monocular it packed a 640×480 digital camera, the images from which could be downloaded to a computer via a serial cable. A quarter century later it’s a great retro camera for the enthusiast, but both the serial ports and the operating systems needed to run its software have passed into history. Time for the junk pile? Not at all, for [Crazylegstoo] has produced a new piece of software for 2024 that works for both QuickTake 100 and 150 cameras with USB serial ports on modern operating systems.
Called JQuickTake, it’s a Java app which has the advantage of building on that early Java promise...
by BBC - about 10 hours
It's the superstar singer's first performance since revealing a serious health condition two years ago.
by BBC - about 10 hours
The 2024 Olympics opened in Paris in spectacular style with thousands of athletes sailing along the River Seine past lively performers on bridges, banks and rooftops in an ambitious take on an opening ceremony.
by The Verge - about 10 hours
Image: Amazon Kiryu is getting a live-action makeover very soon. At Comic-Con today, Amazon revealed the first look at its upcoming adaptation of the Yakuza game series, with the show Like a Dragon: Yakuza (not to be confused with the game Yakuza: Like a Dragon). The streaming series will follow original Yakuza hero Kazuma Kiryu.
Amazon says that the show “showcases modern Japan and the dramatic stories of these intense characters, such as the legendary Kazuma Kiryu, that games in the past have not been able to explore.” Kiryu will be played by Ryoma Takeuchi, while Kento Kaku also starts as Akira Nishikiyama. The series is directed by Masaharu Take.
Of course, Yakuza joins a wave of gaming adaptions for...
by BBC - about 10 hours
A selection of eye-catching moments from the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
by Wired - yesterday at 23:56
DC went to YC to talk OS.
by daryo Bluesky - yesterday at 23:16
C’est de mieux en mieux, on a vraiment de quoi être fiers. Ces jeux vont être un beau succès.
by QZ - yesterday at 22:50
As generative artificial intelligence takes off and tensions between the U.S. and China rise, the Biden administration is making a multi-billion dollar effort to bring chipmaking back to the U.S. Read more...
by daryo Bluesky - yesterday at 22:38
Cette cérémonie d’ouverture des JO est absolument impeccable, un magnifique spectacle extrêmement bien mené. J’ai toujours autant de mal à comprendre mes compatriotes, qui pour certains passent leur temps à critiquer, dénigrer et gâcher le travail des autres.
by The Verge - yesterday at 22:15
Image: Adult Swim Adult Swim’s long-awaited adaptation of Uzumaki finally has a premiere date — and an appropriately creepy trailer. The series, based on the classic horror manga from Junji Ito, will start airing on September 28th. Episodes will hit Adult Swim first, and then stream on Max the following day.
Uzumaki follows a cursed town that is — and I promise it’s scarier than it sounds — plagued by spirals. Here’s the full synopsis:
“Let’s leave this town together,” asks Shuichi Saito, a former classmate of Kirie Goshima, a high school girl who was born and grew up in Kurouzu-cho. Everything from a strange whirlwind, billowing smoke from the crematorium, and the residents is turning into...
by QZ - yesterday at 22:15
Walmart wants to boost its revenue and is aiming to do so by expanding its advertising efforts.Read more...
by HackAdAy - yesterday at 22:00
Most electromagnetic actuators are rotating motors, or some variation on the theme, like servos. However, it’s possible to do linear actuation with electomagnetics, too. [Adrian Perez] demonstrates this with Linette, his design of a linear actuator that he was inspired to build by the structure of our own muscles.
The design uses a coil of copper wire in a 3D-printed plastic housing, surrounded by a claw full of strong magnets. When the coil is activated, the magnets are pulled towards the coil. When the coil is not energized, the magnets fall away. [Adrian] demonstrates the actuator under the control of an Arduino, which switches power to the coil to move it up and down.
He also notes that the design is...
by The Verge - yesterday at 22:00
Disney / BBC The Doctor Who franchise is about to get even bigger with a new spinoff series that, interestingly, doesn’t seem like it’s going to focus on everyone’s favorite Time Lord.
During the Doctor Who panel at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Disney and the BBC announced that The War Between The Land And The Sea — a new series written by Russell T. Davies and Pete McTighe — is on the way. Rather than the Doctor, the new show will revolve around a group of humans as they work together to face the Sea Devils, a race of ancient, ocean-dwelling creatures who first appeared in Doctor Who back in 1972.
Jemma Redgrave and Alexander Devrient are set to reprise their roles as Kate Lethbridge-Stewart...
by QZ - yesterday at 22:00
After a volatile week, the stock market rose on Friday due to the growing U.S. economy and fresh inflation data, leading investors to hope for interest rate cuts later this year.Read more...
by QZ - yesterday at 21:56
Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) filed a lawsuit against the NBA on Friday in an attempt to keep the leagues games on its cable networks and streaming platforms.Read more...
by QZ - yesterday at 21:54
Tesla did not have a good second quarter for 2024, and it could have been a whole lot worse had it not been for the U.S. government. Sure, profits fell 45 percent during the time period, but Tesla benefitted from one very important weapon for improving an income statement: regulatory credits.Read more...
by Wired - yesterday at 21:38
Measles, bedbugs, and dengue have all been cited as concerns for tourists and athletes at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, with the tropical virus in particular forcing authorities into action.
by The Verge - yesterday at 21:30
Photo Illustration by William Joel / The Verge Bad news: flagship phones cost a small fortune these days. Good news: we can help you pick the right one and get the most for your money. Continue reading…
by Wired - yesterday at 21:16
The TikTok influencer and podcast host amassed millions of followers for her roasts—and swears she’ll keep doing it even if TikTok goes away.
by KCRW - yesterday at 21:00
Gastrodiplomacy isn't just for political summits and glitzy international events like the Olympics. Neighborhoods around the world are filled with immigrants who make their native cuisine, longing for a taste of home or hoping to share their food with a new audience or looking for a way to make a living. When diplomat Dan Hong discovered one Japanese spot in Athens that stood out, he decided to dive a bit deeper in a piece for Vittles. Evan Kleiman: You were working as a diplomat in Athens when you stumbled upon a Japanese restaurant that was unlike the typical Pan-Asian spots that you normally encountered. What made this spot different and put up your radar? Dan Hong: That Japanese cafe was a cafe called...
by Wired - yesterday at 21:00
The Idea of You, Brittany Runs a Marathon, and American Fiction are just a few of the movies you should be watching on Amazon Prime Video this week.
by The Verge - yesterday at 20:48
Image: Amazon The first season of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power took its sweet time revealing the true identities of its two most mysterious characters. But when the show returns next month, it seems like it’s going to hit the ground running with big reveals about how Sauron and the Stranger will change Middle-earth. A new, lengthy trailer revealed at Comic-Con gives a good sense at what fans can expect in season 2.
According to Amazon, the new season will be focused on Sauron’s return. “Cast out by Galadriel, without an army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to...
by daryo Bluesky - yesterday at 20:36
Magnifique Aya Nakamura accompagnée par la Garde républicaine. Ça doit faire bien rager les fachos 😎
by Torrentfreak - yesterday at 20:27
App stores are littered with apps that promise free access to music, but only few live up to expectations. Musi is one of them. The music app made headlines in 2016 when its founders, who were teenagers at the time, presented their brainchild in an episode of the Canadian edition of Dragons’ Den.
In essence, the software itself is relatively simple. Musi can stream music, which it sources from YouTube, and allows users to create and share playlists. It essentially uses YouTube as a music library, without showing the video. This functionality directly rivals other streaming apps such as Spotify. However, since content is sourced from YouTube, costs associated with payments to labels are absent from the Musi...
by HackAdAy - yesterday at 19:00
A QSL Card from Radio Moscow probably got many 14-year-olds on government watch lists. (Public domain)
Between World War II and Y2K, shortwave listening was quite an education. With a simple receiver, you could listen to the world. Some of it, of course, was entertainment, and much of it was propaganda of one sort or another. But you could learn a lot. Kids with shortwave radios always did great in geography. Getting the news from a different perspective is often illuminating, too. Learning about other cultures and people in such a direct way is priceless. Getting a QSL card in the mail from a faraway land seemed very exciting back then.
Today, the shortwave landscape is a mere shadow of itself. According to a...
by Human Progress - yesterday at 18:17
“OpenAI is launching a test version of its long-awaited search engine, which it says will cite sources of information including news from business partners such as The Wall Street Journal parent News Corp and the Atlantic magazine.  The tool, called SearchGPT, will summarize the information found on websites, including news sites, and let users ask follow-up questions… SearchGPT is OpenAI’s most direct challenge yet to Google’s dominance in search since the release of ChatGPT in 2022.” From Wall Street Journal.
The post OpenAI Is Launching Search Engine, Taking Aim at Google appeared first on Human Progress.
by Human Progress - yesterday at 17:51
“It is estimated that about 70 percent of the energy generated worldwide ends up as waste heat. If scientists could better predict how heat moves through semiconductors and insulators, they could design more efficient power generation systems. However, the thermal properties of materials can be exceedingly difficult to model. The trouble comes from phonons, which are subatomic particles that carry heat. Some of a material’s thermal properties depend on a measurement called the phonon dispersion relation, which can be incredibly hard to obtain, let alone utilize in the design of a system. A team of researchers from MIT and elsewhere tackled this challenge by rethinking the problem from the ground up. The...
by Human Progress - yesterday at 17:25
Summary: Kirstin Olsen’s book Daily Life in 18th-Century England captures a period of tremendous change, highlighting the stark differences in living conditions between 1700 and 1800. The 18th century saw advancements like the development of effective steam engines and profound new scientific knowledge, which led to improved comfort even for the poor by 1800. Olsen elucidates the immense hardships commonplace in English society prior to industrialization, from the evolution of marriage and childbirth to the grim realities of public entertainment, criminal justice, and healthcare. Kirstin Olsen’s book Daily Life in 18th-Century England paints a vivid portrait of a time of immense change. “There were no...
by Human Progress - yesterday at 17:23
“A pilot project in Uganda is using AI software to power ultrasound imaging to not only scan unborn babies but also to encourage women to attend health services at an earlier stage in their pregnancies, helping to reduce stillbirths and complications.  Low- and middle-income countries tend to have very few trained specialists to carry out scans, and equipment is concentrated in urban hospitals that can be a long and costly journey from rural women’s homes… The AI-based ScanNav FetalCheck software, made by Intelligent Ultrasound, will allow accurate dating of pregnancies without the need for specialist sonographers who take measurements of a child in the womb to determine the progress of a pregnancy. The...
by Human Progress - yesterday at 17:03
“On Thursday, Google DeepMind announced that AI systems called AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 reportedly solved four out of six problems from this year’s International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), achieving a score equivalent to a silver medal. The tech giant claims this marks the first time an AI has reached this level of performance in the prestigious math competition.” From Ars Technica.
The post Google’s Proof-Solving AI Models Claim Math Breakthrough appeared first on Human Progress.
by Wired - yesterday at 16:48
Pole vaulting is a spectacular, dangerous sport. Modern poles could be drastically improved to make them more reliable, with healable tech being developed that could also be used in surfing and cycling.
by Toute l'Europe - yesterday at 14:22
Les 720 membres du Parlement européen récemment élus ont pris place dans l’hémicycle le 16 juillet 2024. Les parlementaires y sont réunis par affinité idéologique au sein de groupes politiques. Pour débuter cette nouvelle législature (2024-2029), on retrouve donc 8 groupes au sein de l’assemblée et une poignée d’eurodéputés non-inscrits. Mais au sein de chaque groupe, certains pays sont plus représentés que d’autres. Pour comprendre les rapports de force, il est donc intéressant de se pencher sur les délégations nationales. Si certaines sont composées d’un seul parti, à l’image de celles du Rassemblement national (RN) ou de La France insoumise (LFI), d’autres regroupent...