constant stream of curated content
by Buzzfeed - about 15 minutes
You'll probably wish you'd found these products forever ago.View Entire Post ›
by Wired - about 16 minutes
Indeed and LinkedIn are incorporating more generative AI to improve the recruiting and job-hunting processes. Some recruiters are still unconvinced.
by BBC - about 27 minutes
Pedro Sánchez suspended public duties last week to "reflect" on whether he would remain in the job.
by Le Monde - about 35 minutes
Tandis que divers signaux, notamment des mouvements de troupes, laissent supposer qu’une opération dans le sud de la bande de Gaza est en préparation, la perspective d’un échange de prisonniers avec le Hamas resurgit, dans le cadre d’une médiation égyptienne.
by The Verge - about 1 hour
Illustration by Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos by Getty Images The Financial Times has struck a deal with OpenAI to license its content and develop AI tools, the latest news organization to work with the AI company. The FT writes in a press release that ChatGPT users will see summaries, quotes, and links to its articles. Any prompt that returns information from the FT will be attributed to the publication. In return, OpenAI will work with the news organization to develop new AI products. The FT already uses OpenAI products, saying it is a customer of ChatGPT Enterprise. Last month, the FT released a generative AI search function on beta powered by Anthropic’s Claude large language model. Ask FT lets...
by HackAdAy - about 1 hour
Like most waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, radio waves tend to bounce off of various objects. This can be frustrating to anyone trying to use something like a GMRS or LoRa radio in a dense city, for example, but these reflections can also be exploited for productive use as well, most famously by radar. Radar has plenty of applications such as weather forecasting and various military uses. With some software-defined radio tools, it’s also possible to use radar for tracking aircraft in real-time at home like this DIY radar system.
Unlike active radar systems which use a specific radio source to look for reflections, this system is a passive radar system that uses radio waves already present in the...
by Le Monde - about 2 hours
L’oblast de Zaporijia, dans le sud-est de l’Ukraine, a notamment été la cible de près de 350 attaques des forces russes ces dernières vingt-quatre heures, a signalé lundi matin sur Telegram l’administration militaire régionale.
by Wired - about 2 hours
European iPhone owners are being shown a new pop-up screen listing alternatives to the Safari browser. The developers of the browsers shown on that screen are torn about the user experience.
by Korben - about 2 hours
Salut les codeurs ! Aujourd’hui, je vais vous causer d’un truc qui va révolutionner votre façon d’auditer le code : l’extension VSCode weAudit ! C’est développé par les génies de Trail of Bits et c’est vraiment chouette, vous allez voir. Il s’agit un outil de revue de code collaborative (d’audit quoi…) qui vous permet de prendre des notes et de traquer les bugs directement dans VSCode. Plus besoin de jongler entre 36 outils, weAudit centralise tout Il est d’ailleurs bourré de fonctionnalités ultra pratiques : Des signets pour vos trouvailles et vos notes Un suivi des fichiers audités pour savoir où vous en êtes De la collaboration pour bosser en équipe sans vous marcher dessus La...
by Actutech - about 3 hours
OpenAI, le géant de l'intelligence artificielle, est de nouveau sous les feux de la rampe en Europe, confronté à une plainte pour atteinte à la vie privée déposée par noyb, une organisation à but non lucratif dédiée aux droits de confidentialité. Elle cible spécifiquement les erreurs de données générées par ChatGPT, le chatbot IA de la société.Elle a été déposée auprès de l'autorité autrichienne de protection des données par noyb au nom d'un plaignant qui a préféré rester anonyme après que ChatGPT ait incorrectement généré sa date de naissance. Selon le RGPD (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données), les citoyens de l'UE ont le droit de faire corriger des données...
by Le Monde - about 3 hours
Le fabricant néerlandais de dispositifs médicaux avait annoncé en 2021 le rappel de ces machines DreamStation contre l’apnée du sommeil. Les paiements sont attendus en 2025, a précisé Philips.
by Courrier International - about 3 hours
L’Allemagne est le pays non anglophone préféré des étrangers qui veulent s’expatrier pour des raisons professionnelles. Explication du quotidien “Die Zeit”.
by daryo Bluesky - about 3 hours
Phone cooler makers need to chill with all the ice
by Actutech - about 3 hours
NBA Jam est une expérience ultra fun pour son époque sur la console Super Nintendo. Développé par Midway et publié par Acclaim Entertainment en 1994, ce jeu de basket arcade offre une action rapide et frénétique avec une dose généreuse de compétition.Il se distingue par ses graphismes vibrants et colorés, ainsi que par ses animations fluides qui captent l'essence même du basketball. Les joueurs peuvent choisir parmi une sélection de grandes stars de la NBA, chacune dotée de compétences uniques et de caractéristiques spéciales. La possibilité d'effectuer des dunks spectaculaires et des tirs à trois points enflammés ajoute une dimension supplémentaire d'excitation à chaque match. L'une des...
by Journal du Lapin - about 3 hours
Si vous utilisez VMware Fusion, vous avez peut-être déjà vu la notification « Éléments en arrière-plan ajoutés », qui apparaît à chaque lancement. Il existe une méthode pour la faire disparaître, même si c’est un pis-aller. Le message apparaît parce que VMware Fusion copie des fichiers au lancement dans un dossier précis, et qu’il les supprime quand vous quittez le programme. L’idée est donc de les mettre à un autre endroit, avec deux problèmes évidents. Le premier, c’est qu’Apple peut décider que le second emplacement n’est plus valable. Le second, c’est que si une mise à jour de VMware Fusion modifie les fichiers en question, il faut recommencer la manipulation. La...
by Wired - about 3 hours
China’s state-sponsored disinformation campaign has been running at a massive scale for seven years—but no one is looking at it.
by Le Taurillon - about 4 hours
Dans un climat où les droits des femmes en Italie sont déjà contestés, les députés italiens ont adopté ce mardi 16 avril un amendement s'apparentant à un véritable recul des droits des femmes. Sous couvert de promouvoir la natalité, la mesure autorise les associations anti-IVG à s'introduire dans les centres de conseils afin de dissuader ces dernières. Cette décision, portée par Lorenzo Malagola, député de Fratelli d'Italia, est une victoire pour les associations anti-avortement telles que Pro Vita & Familia et Movimiento Milita Christi. L'IVG, un droit en danger sur le territoire italien
En Italie, l'IVG a été dépénalisé en 1978 lors de l'adoption de la loi 194 sous la pression des...
by HackAdAy - about 4 hours
There are many claims in the air about the capabilities of AI systems, as the technology continues to ascend the dizzy heights of the hype cycle. Some of them are true, others stretch definitions a little, while yet more cross the line into the definitely bogus. [J] has one that is backed up by real code though, a compression scheme for text using an AI, and while there may be limitations in its approach, it demonstrates an interesting feature of large language models.
The compression works by assuming that for a sufficiently large model, it’s likely that many source texts will exist somewhere in the training. Using llama.cpp it’s possible to extract the tokenization information of a piece of text...
by Le Monde - about 4 hours
Les listes du Rassemblement national (32 %) et du PS-Place publique (14 %) enregistrent une progression dans les intentions de vote pour le scrutin du 9 juin, tandis que celle de Renaissance recule (17 %), selon la quatrième vague de l’enquête électorale réalisée par Ipsos, en partenariat avec le Cevipof, l’Institut Montaigne, la Fondation Jean Jaurès et « Le Monde ».
by Buzzfeed - about 5 hours
Get ready to make a "product of the month" plaque.View Entire Post ›
by BBC - about 5 hours
Clean up operations are under way in states including Oklahoma and Iowa following the severe storms.
by Courrier International - about 6 hours
Kiev a reconnu dimanche que la situation sur le front s’était “détériorée”, les troupes russes ayant remporté des “succès tactiques” dans plusieurs zones. Pour la presse internationale, Moscou tente de profiter au maximum de sa supériorité militaire avant que l’Ukraine ne reçoive les nouvelles armes américaines.
by Courrier International - about 6 hours
Les deux émirats investissent dans le continent africain en quête de débouchés économiques et d’influence politique. “The Economist” a enquêté sur un double déploiement qui mêle économie, diplomatie et médiations diverses.
by Courrier International - about 6 hours
Pour lutter contre ce qui est désormais considéré comme une épidémie de blessures par armes à feu, les médecins conseillent de plus en plus fréquemment les patients sur leur usage des armes, rapporte “The Atlantic”.
by HackAdAy - about 7 hours
There’s always an appeal to a cool-looking computer case or cyberdeck – and with authentic-looking Vault-Tec style, [Eric B] and [kc9psw]’s fallout-themed cyberdeck is no exception.
The case looks like it came straight out of one of the Fallout games and acts the part: while (obviously) not capable of withstanding a direct nuclear bomb impact, it can protect the sensitive electronics inside from the electromagnetic pulse and shockwave that follows – if you keep it closed.
And it’s not just the case that’s cool: This cyberdeck is packed full of goodies like long-range radios, SDRs, ADSB receivers, a Teensy 4.1, and dual Raspberry Pis. But that’s just the hardware! It also comes with gigabytes upon...
by Buzzfeed - about 9 hours
You don't technically *need* Thin Mint seasoning, a dino nugget-shaped pillow, and a cowboy hat straw topper for your water bottle, but... wait, yes, you do.View Entire Post ›
by BBC - about 10 hours
BBC Arabic‘s Adnan El-Bursh covered the conflict as he and his family were displaced multiple times.
by BBC - about 10 hours
Since Narendra Modi's BJP took power in 2014, India's 200 million Muslims have faced turmoil.
by HackAdAy - about 10 hours
Well, it’s official — AI is ruining everything. That’s not exactly news, but learning that LLMs are apparently being used to write scientific papers is a bit alarming, and Andrew Gray, a librarian at University College London, has the receipts. He looked at a cross-section of scholarly papers from 2023 in search of certain words known to show up more often in LLM-generated text, like “commendable”, “intricate”, or “meticulous”. Most of the words seem to have a generally positive tone and feel a little fancier than everyday speech; one rarely uses “lucidly” or “noteworthy” unless you’re trying to sound smart, after all. He found increases in the frequency of appearance of these and...
by Hiram - about 11 hours
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Cet article Les mots essentiels pour comprendre la franc-maçonnerie est apparu en premier sur
by Hiram - about 11 hours
Ce contenu est réservé aux abonnés.Pour accéder à cet article, vous pouvez choisir de : Vous abonner (20€ / an) ou Le déverrouiller gratuitement* *Vous pouvez déverrouiller jusqu’à 3 articles gratuitement.
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by BBC - yesterday at 23:58
Mahmoud Abbas says any attack on city could see large numbers of Palestinians flee Gaza entirely.
by The Verge - yesterday at 23:56
That’s too cold! | Image: Amazon I don’t know about you, but when I have a nasty case of the hot phone, I have to get rid of that heat this instant. Just kidding, I usually just put it down for a while or restart it when it’s being especially stubborn. But there are companies out there marketing a different solution: little stick-on phone-cooling fans that purport to draw all that heat away. And their product images are a little, uh, excessively icy.
How did it come to this? What kicked off this arms race of increasingly frosty phones? I have to assume things started innocently enough, but these RGB-riddled things are pretty squarely aimed at gamers — I’d guess it didn’t take long for these product...
by HackAdAy - yesterday at 22:00
What do you do when you find an ancient piece of test gear and want to have fun? Well, you can always try getting BASIC running on it, and that’s precisely what [David Kuder] did.
The HP4952A Protocol Analyzer actually looks a lot like an old computer, even if it was never meant for general-purpose use. The heart of the machine is a Zilog Z80 CPU, though, so it shares a lot in common with microcomputers of its era.
Among other hacks, [David] worked to get Microsoft Basic-80 running on the machine. Initially, he was only able to get it up and running on the display, with no way to read the keyboard, disk, or access the serial port. Eventually, by diving into the nitty-gritty of the machine, he was able to at...
by io9 - yesterday at 21:00
Image: Disney AnimationJust before the weekend started, the animation space lit up when someone suddenly leaked a lot of never-before-seen internal material from Disney. We won’t link to it, but included in that material is a sizable amount of stuff from the company’s TV animation slate across its Disney Channel and Disney XD networks that goes as far back as the mid-2000s. Gravity Falls, Owl House, you name it: if it’s got a sizable fanbase (and isn’t a Marvel cartoon), then it’s probably featured here in some fashion.Included in the leak were over 20 pilots, some of which were shows that’d been pitched, but ultimately never went anywhere. Similarly, there were also 40 show bibles—documents...
by The Verge - yesterday at 19:44
Image: Marvel Studios I’ve been making more of an effort to keep up with movies lately and even managed the rare feat of seeing one in an actual movie theater. I saw Guy Ritchie’s The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, which stars Henry Cavill, Alan Ritchson, Alex Pettyfer, Elza González, Babs Olusanmokun, and others in what I interpreted as a goofy spaghetti western / spy / heist film. I suppose it’s also a war movie, being based (very loosely) on a true story about a collection of unstoppable guys set on an unsanctioned secret mission to destroy a German U-boat resupply ship during World War II. It doesn’t try to ruminate on the weight of the mission, which was to clear the way for American ships to...
by Les Décodeurs - yesterday at 18:43
Vous n’avez pas suivi l’actualité samedi 27 et dimanche 28 avril ? Voici ce qu’il s’est passé pendant ces dernières quarante-huit heures.
by QZ - yesterday at 18:31
Kingom of the Planet of the Apes is one of this summer’s big blockbusters, and with its release in a few weeks, that means its time to up its promo game. We’ve gotten plenty of trailers and posters, and there are standees in theaters, but that’s apparently not enough. 20th Century has decided that we need to see some…Read more...
by QZ - yesterday at 18:27
There are plenty of apps you can turn to to generate pictures using artificial intelligence. Still, Midjourney remains one of the best and one of the most popular options, having launched in beta form in July 2022.Read more...
by io9 - yesterday at 18:25
Image: Image ComicsSince it debuted back in 2021, Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa’s Radiant Black has become one of Image Comics’ biggest books. Now that it’s got an entire universe of its own full of equally colorful characters headling their own books, it’s just a question of what’s next for the series that started it all. The answer to that is to bring in new fans by taking it to a new format.During the C2E2 panel for the Massive-Verse, Higgins revealed the series’ first six issues are getting brought over to audiobook format. He’ll be writing and directing the first volume in what’s expected to be a series of adaptations from Image and Higgins’ Black Market Collective imprint. And here’s...
by Paul Jorion - yesterday at 18:21
Philippe Corcuff et Philippe Marlière, Les Tontons flingueurs de la gauche : lettres ouvertes à Hollande, Macron, Mélenchon, Roussel, Ruffin, Onfray, Paris : textuel 2024
Pour se faire une idée d’ensemble de ce qui est dit dans ce petit ouvrage, au sous-titre explicite, il suffit de savoir que chacune de ces six lettres se termine sur une variation autour de la formule « Ton bilan est globalement négatif ».
Il n’est pas question d’autres personnes dans l’ouvrage si ce n’est pour préciser que d’autres n’ont délibérément pas été mises en cause, quelques huit noms étant mentionnés dont les plus connus sont Clémentine Autain, Aurore Lalucq, Assa Traoré et Najat...
by QZ - yesterday at 18:10
You may think that a class of drugs that has been shown to help users lose 15% to 20% of their body weight may put the fitness industry on edge. But some gyms are actually embracing these slimming medications. And surprisingly, a new analyst report from Morgan Stanley published this month suggests these gyms are…Read more...
by KCRW - yesterday at 18:00
After years of working at the intersection of immigration and education, journalist Lauren Markham offers a different approach to writing about immigration that may lead to greater understanding. In her book A Map of Future Ruins: On Borders and Belonging , Markham talks about challenging narratives and stories, looking at our own history, and asking what it means to belong to a place.​
by QZ - yesterday at 17:32
A week after Tesla CEO Elon Musk pushed back a trip to India because of “heavy” duties for his electric car company, he touched down in China for an unannounced visit. The purpose of dropping in? Tesla’s Full Self-Driving software, according to Reuters, which first reported the visit. Musk is set to talk to officials…Read more...
by Le Monde - yesterday at 17:30
Un rapport d’Europol fait état d’une cohérence géographique du crime organisé et de coopérations entre les groupes implantés dans l’est du continent.
by The Verge - yesterday at 17:00
Image: Cath Virginia / The Verge It was Valentine’s Day when Meta’s ad platform started going off the rails. RC Williams, the co-founder of the Philadelphia-based marketing agency 1-800-D2C, had set one of Meta’s automated ad tools to run campaigns for two separate clients. But when he checked the platform that day, he found that Meta had blown through roughly 75 percent of the daily ad budgets for both clients in under a couple of hours.
Williams told The Verge that the ads’ CPMs, or cost per impressions, were roughly 10 times higher than normal. A usual CPM of under $28 had inflated to roughly $250, way above the industry average. That would have been bad enough if the revenue earned from those ads...
by Wired - yesterday at 17:00
Whether you’re bird-watching or baseball-spotting, we break down prices and specs to find the best pair for you.
by The Verge - yesterday at 16:30
Delta is about to get better on the iPad. | Image: Riley Testut The Delta emulator made a huge splash when it hit the Apple App Store earlier this month, quickly rocketing to the top spot in Apple’s free apps, where it remains today. Now, developer Riley Testut says an iPad-specific version is “near completion,” and will be released with Delta version 1.6. Testut says the app is already available for his Patreon supporters through “the regular AltStore,” which I take to mean the non-EU-specific one, rather than the Apple-approved AltStore PAL.
Of course, the iOS version already works on the iPad (and the Vision Pro, where I’ve been playing Metroid Prime Hunters). But a native version would let it...
by io9 - yesterday at 16:30
Image: Universal PicturesThe original Happy Death Day in 2017 was one of those “why hasn’t this done before?” horror movies, wherein college girl Tree (played by Jessica Rothe) got stuck in a time loop that always ended with her getting murdered. That first movie did really well, and its sequel Happy Death Day 2U also did pretty good! Over the past few years, it hasn’t been clear if a sequel would ever happen, but good news: it’s apparently still in the cards.While doing promo for her newest film Boy Kills World, Rothe revealed to ScreenGeek that director Christopher Landon “has the whole thing figured out. We just need to wait for Blumhouse and Universal to get their ducks in a row.” As far as...
by Wired - yesterday at 16:00
Whether you’re climbing peaks or taking the family to the local park, we’ve found the best sleeping bags for every temperature, budget, and camping expedition.
by KCRW - yesterday at 15:35
Research findings are not etched in stone.
by QZ - yesterday at 15:00
Celebrities sure have it rough; they have to star in blockbuster movies or top the music charts and all they get out of it is guaranteed harassment by paparazzi and a few million dollars. They have a public image to uphold and they know everyone is staring, and the car they drive makes a statement to their fans and…Read more...
by Ben Tasker - yesterday at 13:24
Recently, I wrote about Bonnie, the border collie that we took into our home at the beginning of February.
Although that post made some reference to the circumstances that she came to us from, I didn't really talk very much about her ex-owners. Bonnie should be the focus, not them.
This post, however, is a bit different.
Over the last week, I've had some interactions with Bonnie's previous owner which has left me feeling quite annoyed and frustrated.
I find that writing can be quite cathartic as it helps me to put my thoughts in order. So, I figured writing a post would help me work through and process my feelings around this week's events.
In this post I'll walk through the discussion, the request and my...
by Human Progress - yesterday at 12:01
AI Can Make Higher Education Much More AccessibleDownload
The post AI Can Make Higher Education Much More Accessible appeared first on Human Progress.
by New Yorker - yesterday at 12:00
Jerry Seinfeld on how to write jokes, the ending of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” and the world-historical struggle to invent the Pop-Tart.
by New Yorker - yesterday at 12:00
The most striking aspect of the former President’s hush-money trial so far has been that, for the first time in a decade, Trump is struggling to command attention.
by New Yorker - yesterday at 12:00
A new wave of shops has made its mark across the country—and shaken New York’s bagel scene out of complacency.
by Human Progress - yesterday at 12:00
Sign up for our newsletter to receive this list in your inbox. Economics: Millennial Wealth Is Booming. It Turns Out Avocado Toast Didn’t Tank Them After All. Energy & Environment: From 5% to 71% in 25 Years: Kenya Has Made Substantial Progress in Providing Access to Electricity Conservation Slowing Biodiversity Loss, Scientists Say Food & Hunger: Eating Light: Finnish Startup Begins Making Food ‘From Air and Solar Power’ Health & Demographics: She Was Too Sick for a Traditional Transplant. So She Received a Pig Kidney and a Heart Pump Nigeria Becomes First Country to Roll Out New Meningitis Vaccine, WHO Says Morocco Achieves Remarkable Progress in Reducing Child Mortality, UNICEF Report Reveals AI Could...